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”These are suggestions of modalities that work for me. Experiment and find out what works for you.
Let us know about your success and if there's something we should be adding to this list."

Tips For Health And Wealth


Exercising of any kind weights or cardio or HIIT or yoga or pilates or tai chi- chi kung or climbing , hiking, biking , swimming , walking fast etc

Earthing: Walk bare feet on grass or sand for 20 minutes

Elevate your mind with meditation or breathing exercises or prayers

Activate your senses Find 5 things you can see 4 things you can touch 3 things you can hear 2 things you can smell 1 thing you can taste NOW! 

Look at pictures of loved ones, nature or wild life or puppies or children having fun.

Fast on negative news, people and circumstances.

Take action against procrastination

Don’t blame others or anyone for anything. remember it’s always about us. Not them.

Open your heart to compassion and understanding.

Take a conscious bath or shower: Sprinkle lavender essential oil ( or any natural scent you care for)  in your bath water or shower stall and allow warm water to wash away thoughts feelings and sensations that don't support you anymore.


Most of my students and myself benefited from positive changes and eating habits, we hope you find some of this ideas attractive and incorporate it in your daily routine. Fats are very important for PTSd patients. Ask your health provider if you can  add fats to your diet. Proteins also very important to stay balanced . Make all proteins organic if plant based, pasture raised and fed if animal. Stay away from farmed fish, wild caught always better for our brain and gut issues. Grain is good but only in moderation. Also your grains must be whole not processed. Best grains for PTSd are low glycemic ones : quinoa, wild rice or millet. Brown rice and kasha are higher in sugar but still a good option. Don't eat more than 1/2 cup of rain per day. if you are still getting triggered all the time. Leafy greens are extremely important for every meal. Fruits are important too but again in moderation. If you are prone to reflux and have other vagus nerve related gut issues - very common with a PTSd diagnosis - try eating an alkaline diet for few months.

Anyone facing brain or neurological challenges benefits from eating “high fats”. If you have liver, pancreas or kidney issues you may need medical clearance to add fat or you can try introducing one category at a time with micro dosages and pay close attention to your digestion and elimination systems. When in doubt discontinue. If your body accepts it well you will thrive and your brain will age slowly and gracefully. Your hair nails and skin as well :-) Always eat organic fats (pesticide and chemicals free) whenever possible.


There are five major fats your brain and body need to function at it’s best:

Cold virgin first pressed olive, coconut and avocado oils are good for you. Olive oil doesn’t work well for our bodies with high temperatures, it has a low smoke point so save it for dressings or to use it on top of cooked/steamed vegetables. A quick toss of cooked pasta or veggies with garlic and olive oil is ok as long as you keep the stove knob on low at all times. 

Coconut as well as avocado oils likes high temperatures (high smoke point) so use it for all your stir fry needs as well as omelets, grilled veggies or meats etc….

70% cacao or higher percentage  is an amazing food for your brain and nervous system. It is very healing and promotes mind sharpness and focus and relaxation at the same time. You must read labels. Cocoa is not the same thing as Cacao and has few benefits. Look for very low sugar content or buy organic cacao powder (again minimum 70%) and sweeten it with dates or liquid monk fruit in case you need to lose weight. 

BUTTER or GHEE (clarified butter no lactose or casein) 
Best not to cook with butter but lovely to spread on vegetables or toast or in the coffee or in the soup for flavor. Make it organic pasture raised and grass fed. 

One quarter of an avocado per day is plenty for brain issues. Eat with salads or as desert or in an omelet, sandwich or just add it to a smoothie.

Your brain thrives on nuts and seeds.  Eat as snacks or on your smoothies, salads, all vegetable dishes, deserts, have some with yogurt and fruits or make sauces and dressing with it. If you short on pancreatic enzymes or have liver issues limit your nut intakes to almonds and pecans only. Other wise eat them with gusto. 


BRAZIL NUTS you must have two per day for you brain's selenium needs. Walnuts every other day eat 3. Almonds and Pecans 10 each everyday OK. Tiger nuts 6  three times per week. Shredded coconut can be used daily for breakfast and deserts. Cashews and hazelnuts makes excellent nut milk (almonds too) but use those only twice per week. Most people don't do well with macadamia, pili or pine nuts for different reasons. Try and see. But also use it sparingly. Pistachios are great for desserts or snacking once per week is plenty. Peanuts are not nuts they are legumes and have a problem with fungus so stay away from peanuts until you know you are not in sympathetic mode. Chestnuts are high in carbs but have lovely fibers. Eat 3 per day twice per week in the winter.

Sesame, chia, pumpkin, sunflower, hemp are superb additions to your salads smoothies hot soups and casseroles. Ground some to make scrumptious dressings like tahini (sesame with garlic and salt and lemon) to pour on tops of grains or veggies or to use as a sandwich spread.

HEALTH AND WELLNESS (+ breathing tips and apps):


Proven approach to destress mind and body and raise immunity. We offer free individual and group instruction. There are many styles and approaches to meditation. Not all styles resonated with me. Try many different styles until you find one that really speaks to you and you feel happy to practice it. You may also look into the websites or facebook pages of the teachers:
Sadhguru, Daaji, Tara Brachs, Soma meditation, Chopra among many options. Most of them free instructions for beginners. 


A must in any self care program breathing techniques may eradicate anxiety raise immunity enable better sleep and improve moods, relax or energize the body, assist in focus the mind. Search YOUTUBE and GOOGLE for different approaches to breath work. Try: 

Krya Breath Work , Heart Math, Elite app or any other breathing app. Breathing with pacer and a visual is very important to sustain neurological changes. There are also many books published about breathing. try Dr Lagos book. Life changing experiences with her approaches. 


Proven tool to destress mind and body. Search Youtube for options


Proven techniques to destress body/mind, build immunity, raise mobility, center mind and increase focus.

GOOGLE for many different options and approaches. 


Finding a coach or therapist is hard work. You must educate yourself on the different approaches to treat trauma like talk therapy or EMDR or EFT or Soma or Focusing approach etc. Once you know what resonates with you google practitioners in that category. If in doubt email me for a free “exploration” session. I’ll try finding out what’s your best bet for therapy.”. 


Search YOUTUBE for many options of sounds that heal.


here are suggestions for activities that promote more parasympathetic moments. PTSd people have a tendency to be stuck on fight or freeze or flee mode. or sympathetic. High alert, always triggered and severe gut issues or other health issues as well. try each modality for few days and discard what doesn’t resonate with you.

Paint the roof your mouth with our tongue for several minutes. Imagine different colors.

Apply essential oils behind your ears by mastoid bone. Vibrant blue oils have a “parasympathetic “ option. Lots of people swear by it. I needed different scents. Play with different oils to find your own silver bullet. 

Add bitters for your after meal supplements , binders,
coffee enemas or bile forming supplements. Take probiotics. ( Rhamnosus is a good strain for brain issues)

Stimulate your throat by humming singing or chanting or most powerful gargle with water until your eyes tear. 

Laugh a lot. watch comedies and favor funny people around you.

Deep slow breathing in thru the nose out thru the mouth. Inhalation always shorter than exhalation. get a free breathing app to pace your breath. HRV resonance breath is proven to release brain tension and to promote sustained inner peace 

Ice baths or cold showers or ice on the throat and face.

Sunlight exposure 

Walk mare feet on sand or grass or soil.

EFT many different styles and approaches. Google  or facebook Dr Kim, Nick Ortner and his free app, Dawson Clark, Robert Smith , Brad Yates etcLook for Hypnoses tapping in facebook with Steve. 

Sleep on your right side

Google somatic neck stretches exercises

Eat only every 12 hours or so

Play with different colors scarfs or shirts around your face.

Massage with essential oils and heated lotions



  • Epson salt ( 2 cups) and vitamin C  ( 1 T spoon) and sodium bicarbonate ( 1 cup) bath with 7 drops each of lavender
    and rose essential oils

  • Gratitude diary

  • Massage acupuncture and chiropractor at least once per month if in crises

  • Tuning forks

  • Sonic slider 93.96 HZ

  • Get a parasetter and practice breathing lying on it

  • Press tongue on the roof of the mouth or stretch your tongue all the way out then all the way to the uvula

  • Dry skin brushing is very helpful to assist our lymphatic system in releasing unwanted impressions of all kinds

  • Oil pulling very good for many physical problems and induces relaxation

Do energy wellness routine daily understand your energy systems. learn with free youtube videos or hire an energy medicine practitioner.
Google for free routines: Prune Harris , Donna Eden, Ellen Meredith, Marina Allen . Google for more names. 

Eat alkaline diet. Google it. Many different diet plans etc.

Connect with your ancestors or do ancestors healing practices under a shaman.


Most proven tool for emotional release is tapping.  There are different styles, approaches and apps. Lots of free instructions. Search for EFT,
FASTER EFT, TAPPING for youtube channels or websites. Facebook also has free tapping groups. 

Popular tapping teachers: Nick Ortner, Robert Smith, Dawson Church, Stefan Gonick. There are more names.


Soma therapy and movement, efficient tool to remove emotions pockets from the body.

Try youtube for some free soma breathing and movement. 


Breath work can assist in emotional release, look for Pranayama videos on youtube.

Search for techniques like Bhastrika and Oujaii and breath of fire.


EMDR  another proven technique for releasing depleting emotions.

Needs to be one on one. 

HYPNOSIS : Another proven approach to release emotions and find source of triggers.

Search Youtube and Facebook for: Deni Van, and /or Marisa Peers, on how to hypnotize your own self.
Other hypnotherapists to look up: Ines Simpson, Rob de Groof, Derek Chapman, Lance Baker, Tim Box, among many. 

REIKI:  Can assist in emotional release. we offer one free reiki session per person twice per year. If you are diagnosed with PTSD you may qualify for unlimited sessions. There are 4 reiki masters associated with this site. Click on “healers" to find out more. 

CHAKRA ALIGNMENT may assist with emotional release.

Search youtube and facebook and google for many free different approaches: Jonathan Goldman, Deborak King or Diane Cooper are good options. 


The energy gratefulness is still the most important practice I do to switch a trigger to a positive feeling, to insure my immune system is working well and to feel better in an instant if things are not going my way and I can’t practice “allowing” immediately.

(If you need more info on practicing allowing google Dr Kim D’eramus) 

Try to keep a gratefulness diary of all the small things you can be grateful for. Start with the basics like “I’m grateful for the gift of breath” I can eat, I can think, I can choose etc. I am grateful I found this site, I am grateful there are many trauma survivors thriving


“If having hard time email me for a free session on finding reasons o be grateful."

Important also to have different positive feelings to align ourselves daily. The shamans for instance ask their students
to have a day for celebration:


  • Sunday a day to celebrate small victories

  • Monday a day to forgive yourself for all your short comings and follies

  • Tuesday a day to love your self unconditionally

  • Wednesday a day to liberate yourself from negative inner dialog

  • Thursday a day of healing the body and only eating fruits or salads

  • Friday day to be grateful for your for your life possibilities ahead of you

  • Saturday day to align yourself with higher energies and frequencies

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